Working on D3 visualisation tool
Renders: D3, PNG, Illustrator compatible SVG
Not instantly reusable.
Hopefully more reusable.
Build modules, components, managers.
Encapsulation is the model.
Not an unwieldy hierarchy of objects.
A module: "A reusable piece of code"
A component: "A reusable piece of code generating graphics, which doesn't represent a complete chart, but a part meant to be composed with other elements"
Good example of a component: d3.svg.axis
Mike Bostock: Towards Reusable Charts
JavaScript Closures
Code within exports, has access to priv1 and priv2.
Component Structure
Using a Component:
Simplified example from the book.
Component Structure Revisited
Events, particularly use of d3.dispatch, play a key part in co-ordinating code.
The "ministers" app uses a similar, except more developed structure:
(via Chris Viau, Andrew Thornton):
(via Chris Viau, Andrew Thornton):
The simplified pattern is essentially:
(via Chris Viau, Andrew Thornton):
Chris Viau example:
Talks re: using the reusable API with MV* framework (involving Chris Viau):
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